Custom Drone Solution Development
- Drone System Design and Integration
- Custom Hardware (Chassis / Power Train / Avionics / Peripheral) Development
- Custom Software (On-Board / GCS / Backend / Application) Development
- Operation Flow Optimization for Vertical Applications
- Drone Business and Technical Consulting

Complete Drone System Design and Integration
We design complete drone systems using the best hardware, software, as well as the best operational practices, in order to provide the most efficient and elegant solutions to our industrial customers. We won’t sell you a drone. We will build a complete drone solution for you.
- Unlike most “drone” companies, our products are not limited to multicopters. We can help you chose the best vehicle for solving your problem
- We use the most advanced drone control systems that are completely expandable, flexible and efficient
- Based on decades of experience operating drones and UAV’s professionally, our system incorporates loads of operational best practices and know-how’s
Open Source
We leverage the power of open source hardware and software to minimize the development time and cost.
- Hardware: Pixhawk / PX4 / PXF / Various Clones
- Software: ArduPilot (Copter/Plane/Rover/Sub) / PX4 Native Stack / ROS
- In addition to GPS/Waypoint, we can augment flight autonomy using Sonar, LiDAR, Beacon, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, etc.
- Autonomous Missions with safety mechanisms such as failsafe, failover, and recovery built in
Best Vehicle for the Job
We can design and build any type of un-manned vehicle that matches your business needs based on such criteria as: heavy-lift, long-range, endurance-flight, precision-flight, redundancy and safety, weatherproof, etc.
- Multicopters
- Single-rotor Helicopters
- VTOL Airplanes / Fixed-wing Airplanes
- ROV’s/Boats/Submarines
- Rovers
We can optimize every aspect of drone systems including the hardware spec, software functions, and operation flow.
- “Just Enough” air frame configuration to minimize operation stress, cost, and risk associated with flying large rigs
- PC, Tablet or Smart Phone based Ground Control Software that fits your use case
- Seamless peripheral and external/backend system integration
- Multitude of communication options for telemetry, FPV, LTE, and mesh networks
- Efficient operation flow verified by professional drone pilots
- Integrated systems that take the itch out of daily operations so that you can focus on your business